Christ University DebSoc

The Christ University Debating Society is the official Debating Society of Christ University, Bangalore. Christ University was previously known as Christ College (Autonomous). The Christ University Debating Society represents the University in all Inter Collegiate, InterVarsity, National & International Debating events. It also acts as a catalyst in developing debating potential, leadership possibility and talent in Public Speaking in the University student community. The Debating Society operates under the Student Welfare Office of the University alongside the guidance of the management. We also organize The Christ University Annual Parlimentary Debate.

Contact Us:

Thursday, December 4, 2008


The Christ University Debating Society is the official forum of debate and representation of the University in Debates nationally and internationally. In the pursuit of our growth and in the power of integration & excellence this is your opportunity to be a part of the team, a class absolutely apart and in the honor of debate “beyond reasonable doubt”.

If you believe you have the power of debate in you  

 write to the Christ University Debating Society


Saturday, November 22, 2008


The college festing season begins here at Bangalore city once again and Yay! we do it again. The DebSoc at the JNC fest kicked ass in the debate and our team Surabhi and Dipti secured the first prize!! Cheers to the best of awesomeness!
Sajo Joseph ( Yes - Our beloved president ) scored the first place in Creative Writing and Extempore!! too and to add on to that Surabhi also won the first place in JAM! ( this was her first JAM!!!! )

The Debating Society is honored and proud.

From the desk of the Secratery General
Hip Hip Hurray!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

History Classes

I was just thinking we must dig into some history and its people who made this happen. The Founder and First President of the Christ University Debating Society was Mr Rishab Malhotra who just recently this Summer graduated from College. The honor of President is now in the hands of Mr Sajo Joseph. Harshavardhan Bhat is the Secratery General of the Christ University Debating Society. Vivek Vellanki is currently the Creative Director. Supporting and Integrated with the team are Surabhi Vaya and Dipti Ramesh without whom this soicety would be totally incomplete and disoriented :P . Glen Ivan S is our latest recruit to the team and we are now looking forward to recruit and select a few more people into the Working Team aka The Core Committee of the DebSoc. 

Chief Founder: 
Mr Rishabh Malhotra ( BBM Batch of 2007 )
Co Founders :
Mr Harshavardhan S Bhat ( BBM Batch of 2010 ) 
Mr Sajo Joseph ( BBM Batch of 2009 ) 
Ms Surabhi Vaya ( BA Batch of 2010 ) 
Mr Vivek Vellanki ( Bsc Batch of 2009 )

1st Team Recruit: 
The Honour to : Ms Dipti Ramesh ( BA Batch of 2011 ) 

So thats the people history right there on top :P 

Cheers and Dobry Den 

DebSoc People 
For the Honorable Right to Information and Mark of History 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Splash of Cold Water

The essence of human enquiry, the pursuit of greater understanding and the exploration of thought and realization are perhaps some of the few instances of suitable combinations of words that can describe the frontier of people speaking out and expressing the emotion of thought and the strategic fixture of words that create, showcase and grow side by side with this very understanding that we love to debate and debate is what we do. These words might make sense or may not make sense but what we truly do believe in is the power of debate - To Change, To Grow, To Explore, Experiment, To Compete and bring to the frontier of thought and skill the best of debating. Debating is bloodsport, however without weapons but with words. All of us here at the debating society have had an intricate and intimate expererience that has constituted a journey. For some of us it has been the understanding of the world, for some of us it has been the development of communication, for some of us a college sport, for some of us an opportunity to express, for some of us to discover ourselves and a lot more :P  What we intend to do in this forum of opportunity is to create opportunity, discover opportunity and inspire and integrate talent to the frontier of debating. What we have is the awakening of the new and the potential to grow and yes - Grow we will. 

Written in a moment of inspiration - yet again

Sec Gen

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dobry Den

Formed in the year 2007 under the aegis of Christ College (Autonomous), Bangalore, was the awakening of a fresh breath of life and a platform of zeal and opportunity by a few passionate students standing for a spirit of what they believe in. The Christ University Debating Society now in 2008 is gearing up for the new year renewed with plans, strategies, thoughts and ideas to pursue and arise for the next level of diversified and strategic debating. Our invitation to possibility and value creation lies in our minds and oracle of words that we believe can shake the mist out of the road. Greetings to the new Indian University front of Debating. 

Written in a moment of inspiration 
Sec Gen