Christ University DebSoc

The Christ University Debating Society is the official Debating Society of Christ University, Bangalore. Christ University was previously known as Christ College (Autonomous). The Christ University Debating Society represents the University in all Inter Collegiate, InterVarsity, National & International Debating events. It also acts as a catalyst in developing debating potential, leadership possibility and talent in Public Speaking in the University student community. The Debating Society operates under the Student Welfare Office of the University alongside the guidance of the management. We also organize The Christ University Annual Parlimentary Debate.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008


The college festing season begins here at Bangalore city once again and Yay! we do it again. The DebSoc at the JNC fest kicked ass in the debate and our team Surabhi and Dipti secured the first prize!! Cheers to the best of awesomeness!
Sajo Joseph ( Yes - Our beloved president ) scored the first place in Creative Writing and Extempore!! too and to add on to that Surabhi also won the first place in JAM! ( this was her first JAM!!!! )

The Debating Society is honored and proud.

From the desk of the Secratery General
Hip Hip Hurray!

1 comment:

Glen Ivan Suchitha said...

awesomeeE!! :) keep it up guys!!