Christ University DebSoc

The Christ University Debating Society is the official Debating Society of Christ University, Bangalore. Christ University was previously known as Christ College (Autonomous). The Christ University Debating Society represents the University in all Inter Collegiate, InterVarsity, National & International Debating events. It also acts as a catalyst in developing debating potential, leadership possibility and talent in Public Speaking in the University student community. The Debating Society operates under the Student Welfare Office of the University alongside the guidance of the management. We also organize The Christ University Annual Parlimentary Debate.

Contact Us:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Welcome Newbies =)


Welcome to the Debating Society!

Upcoming Events -

Tabbing Workshop

When: Saturday, 19th June 2010, 1: 15 - 3: 15

Where: Room 208 (Main Block, Second Floor)

Adjudication Workshop -

When: Monday, 21st June 2010, 4:00 - 6:00

Where: Room 208

Bangalore Circuit Debate

When: 25th, 26th, 27th

Where: Main Block, Christ University

If you are interested in helping to organise these events do give us a call

1 comment:

Silhouette said...

Hey! I'm sorry i din check my mail in quite some time(Hence Newbie), and times have been alluringly tedious.. Will catch up at the next meeting.. Peace .\/,,