Christ University DebSoc

The Christ University Debating Society is the official Debating Society of Christ University, Bangalore. Christ University was previously known as Christ College (Autonomous). The Christ University Debating Society represents the University in all Inter Collegiate, InterVarsity, National & International Debating events. It also acts as a catalyst in developing debating potential, leadership possibility and talent in Public Speaking in the University student community. The Debating Society operates under the Student Welfare Office of the University alongside the guidance of the management. We also organize The Christ University Annual Parlimentary Debate.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dear Fellow's

Dear Fellow's,

I recently heard about the progress you guys have been making towards organizing the next CUPD and I was really so glad, excited and pumped up for all of you. The friendships I have forged and the experiences I have had debating, working and having fun with all of you have defined my college experience. I think building, doing random things, leading, hanging out, thinking, blah blah, all of these textures of involvement & associations that have been a part of my process have solidified this foundation & grounding which I think cannot be replaced by any other experience in University. The Debating Society organically has been able to offer this realm of experience and at the same time has given access and promoted people to debate, travel, make friends, think and understand the world a little better than before.

I want you to take this forward. I want you to create that home of possibility a lot of us have experienced to consistently move forward. I want you guys to take the initiative and create value in the opportunities you see. I want you to stand up as young leaders and make things happen. It is now in your hands to ensure that the society grows stronger, significant and most importantly better than before. But at the same time remembering always the values of friendship, humility, "heads high and hearts strong" and all that goes with it that makes us the society we have always stood for.

I do miss all of you. You guys make an awesome team and I am sure all of you would do a fantastic job in putting up the next Christ University Parliamentary Debate. I wish you guys all of the very best and will post you a lot of luck via the Royal Mail.

Luck and Love,

Patron, Christ University Debating Society

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